
Your Home Needs Better Security Now 

National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) Data Revealed!

In today’s world, home security is more critical than ever. As crime rates escalate globally, the safety of our homes must be a top priority.

In India, recent statistics reveal a troubling trend: the number of crimes committed against individuals is on the rise year after year.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the frequency of thefts, burglaries, and other property crimes highlights an alarming reality that requires immediate attention.


In an era where personal safety and home security are increasingly threatened, ensuring the security of our homes has never been more critical. The rise in crime rates and sophisticated criminal tactics pose a significant risk to homeowners, making it imperative to stay ahead of potential threats.

Home security is not just about protecting physical assets; it’s about safeguarding your peace of mind and ensuring the safety of your loved ones.

Brief Overview of Crime Rates in India

The number of crimes committed against individuals in India has been increasing year after year.

This trend is deeply concerning and highlights the need for increased awareness and action towards our home security.


crime infographic India

Statistics Source: Crime in India 2021 Statistics Volume I – Indian National Crime Records Bureau

Why Understanding These Statistics is Crucial?

crime statistics

Understanding these statistics is vital for every homeowner as they provide a clear picture of the current security landscape.

By recognizing the frequency and nature of crimes, homeowners can make informed decisions about their security measures. This article aims to shed light on the rising crime rates, analyze the implications for homeowners, and offer practical advice on how to enhance home security.

The goal is to empower readers with knowledge and actionable steps to protect their homes and loved ones from increasingly sophisticated threats.

Understanding the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Data

What is the NCRB?

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is an agency of the Government of India responsible for collecting and analyzing crime data from across the country.

The NCRB’s reports provide crucial insights into the trends and patterns of criminal activity, helping policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and the public understand the state of crime in India.

Website: https://www.ncrb.gov.in/

Key Findings from the Latest Crime Report

The NCRB’s Crime in India 2021 Statistics Volume I presents a sobering view of crime trends:

Cases of theft & Burglaries reported everyday in India

Theft & Burglaries


In every 45 seconds One Theft & Burglary reported in India

Cases of crime against women reported everyday in India

Crime Against Women


In every 90 seconds Crime against Women reported in India

Daily 350 cases of crime against children reported in India

Crime Against Children


In every 5 minutes Crime against Children reported in India

Daily 885 missing persons cases reported in India

Missing Persons


In every 100 seconds one Missing Person reported in India

The Rise in Home-Related Crimes

The data reveals a significant rise in home-related crimes. Residential burglaries, which often occur when homeowners are away, have become increasingly common.

This growing trend highlights the need for enhanced home security to protect against both burglary and other safety threats.

Why Home Security is More Important Now Than Ever?

Increased Threats to Urban and Rural Homes

Home security threats are no longer confined to urban areas. Rural homes are also increasingly at risk, as crime patterns evolve and spread across different regions.

The perception that rural areas are safe can be misleading, making it crucial for homeowners in all areas to be vigilant and proactive about their security.

Changing Criminal Tactics

Criminals are becoming more sophisticated in their methods. Traditional security measures, such as basic locks and safety doors, may no longer be sufficient to deter modern criminals.

Criminals use advanced methods and technology, so we need stronger security measures to stay safe from potential threats

The Psychological Impact of Home Invasions

The emotional and psychological toll of a home invasion can be profound. Beyond the immediate financial losses and property damage, families often experience long-term anxiety, fear, and a sense of violation.

Investing in home security not only protects physical assets but also contributes to the emotional well-being of the household.

What the NCRB Data Means for Homeowners

The Real-Life Implications of Rising Crime Rates

Recent home invasions have highlighted the serious impact of rising crime rates, including the increasing danger to children and elder parents. These cases often involve the loss of valuables, threats to personal safety, and emotional trauma for families.

For working parents, the safety of their children when they are not at home is especially worrying. These incidents make it clear that homeowners must reassess and strengthen their security measures to better protect their families, especially the most vulnerable members.

How Vulnerable Are You?

The NCRB data can help you evaluate your own risk levels.

By understanding the frequency and types of crimes reported in your area, you can make informed decisions about the necessary steps to enhance your security.

A thorough risk assessment can lead to more effective and targeted security measures.

The Need for Proactive Measures

Waiting until an incident occurs is not a viable strategy. Proactive measures are essential to prevent crime and safeguard property and loved ones.

Investing in advanced security systems and staying informed about crime trends can make a significant difference in mitigating risks.

Essential Home Security Measures to Implement

Upgrading Your Locks and Entry Points

Modernizing your locks and entry points is a crucial step in enhancing home security. Consider investing in high-quality, tamper-resistant locks for doors and windows.

Smart locks with keyless entry options provide added convenience and security.

Installing Advanced Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems, such as Wi-Fi CCTV cameras, smart alarms, play a vital role in monitoring and protecting your home and family.

Advanced systems offer real-time alerts, remote access, and recording capabilities, which can deter criminals and provide valuable evidence if an incident occurs.

Government and Community Initiatives

How Local Authorities Are Addressing the Issue

Local authorities are increasingly focusing on improving home security through various initiatives.

Community policing, enhanced surveillance, and public awareness campaigns aim to reduce crime rates and support homeowners in safeguarding their properties.

Community-Based Security Solutions

Gated surveillance system and community awareness efforts play a critical role in enhancing security.

By working together, residents can share information, keep an eye on each other’s properties, and build a safer environment. Community engagement is a key component of effective crime prevention.

What You Can Do to Support These Efforts?

You can contribute to community security initiatives by participating in local programs, reporting suspicious activities, and fostering strong relationships with neighbors.

Collaboration with local authorities and community groups enhances overall safety and resilience.

Cost vs. Benefit of Investing in Home Security

The Financial Investment in Security

Investing in home security systems involves costs whether It is DIY OR Professional.

However, the financial investment is outweighed by the potential benefits of preventing theft, damage, and personal harm.

One should not consider it as an expense, but it’s a smart investment for your peace of mind. A safeguard against significant financial and emotional losses.

Benefits Against the Costs

Modern security and surveillance devices are much more affordable today than they were a decade ago. Still it will not come FREE, but It’s long-term benefits are substantial.

Enhanced security reduces the risk of theft and damage. The peace of mind that comes with a secure home is invaluable.

Long-Term Value of a Secure Home

A well-secured home not only protects against immediate threats but also adds long-term value.

Properties with advanced security systems are often more attractive to buyers and may command higher resale values.

Additionally, secure homes contribute to overall neighborhood safety and stability.


Recap of Key Points

In light of the NCRB data, the importance of home security cannot be overstated. With rising crime rates and evolving criminal tactics, homeowners must take proactive steps to protect their properties and families.

Investing in modern security measures and staying informed about crime trends are essential for safeguarding against potential threats.

Action You Need to Take

We encourage you to assess your current security measures and consider upgrades to enhance your home safety.

By taking action now, you can prevent potential security breaches and ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.

Final Thoughts

Staying informed and proactive about home security is crucial in today’s world.

With the increasing frequency of crimes and the evolving nature of criminal activity, it’s more important than ever to prioritize the safety of your home.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—invest in your home’s security and take the necessary steps to protect what matters most.


1. What are the most common types of home security breaches in India?

The most common types of home security breaches in India include burglaries, thefts, and break-ins.

These incidents often occur when homeowners are away, making it essential to have effective security measures in place.

2. How often should I review and upgrade my home security system?

It is recommended to review and upgrade your home security system at least once a year or whenever there are significant changes in your home environment or local crime trends.

3. Are home security systems effective in deterring criminals?

Yes, home security systems are effective in deterring criminals. Visible security measures, such as CCTV cameras and alarms, can discourage potential intruders from targeting your property.

4. What should I do if I feel my home is being targeted?

If you suspect that your home is being targeted, increase security measures immediately, such as reinforcing locks and adding surveillance cameras.

Contact local authorities and report any suspicious activity.

5. How can I involve my community in improving neighborhood security?

You can involve your community by sharing information about local crime trends, and working together to enhance overall safety.

Building strong community relationships contributes to a safer environment for everyone.